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Once again our support to Şener Levent is necessary

December 30, 2020

On August 1st 2018, we wrote:“Most certainly the Cypriot Government SHOULD and MUST protect its two citizens Şener Levent and Ali Osman.”

Şener Levent defies threats against him and Afrika newspaper and goes on with the struggle. With devotion to principles he boldly critisizes the conqueror whom he names, as the real culprit of the division and as the most audacious bully, criminal and rioter in the area.

On December 23, 2020, the anti-occupation journalist Şener Levent was summoned to “court” in a procedure aiming at court proceedings in Turkey. The charges against him stem from three articles in his newspaper (initially called Avrupa, but after prosecution during Denktash’s time renamed Afrika and recently again as Avrupa).

  • The Kurds and us, June 1, 2016
  • Zorba the Cypriot, February 1, 2018, and
  • the well-known case with the sketch, December 8, 2017 (the one for which, at Erdogan’s urging, an attempt was made by Turkey’s thugs and Gray Wolves to lynch Şenerand other journalists. In the end, they did not succeed but they destroyed office of the newspaper)

The charges pertain to insulting the President of Turkey and imprisonment for up to four years is envisaged.

Apparently, Erdogan himself is pulling the strings behind the screen. Şener Levent was asked to testify as a witness. He declined to answer any questions set to him, denied the allegations and said he would not go to Turkey for trial.

What is to be born?

  • Will they sentence him in absentia?
  • Will they arrest him and send him to Turkey by force?

We note that Şener Levent is a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus. The fact that he lives in the occupied area does not deprive him of his citizenship. Therefore, it is the duty of our government to take the appropriate steps to protect him from the trappiness of hostile Turkey with a public announcement and at the same time with recourse to international bodies.

There also tasks and obligations of the European Union (EU) arise, because Şener Levent is not just a citizen of an EU member state: he has been honored by the European Parliament with the European Citizen Award.Our MEPs are, therefore called upon, to raise the issue with the relevant EU institutions and to demand the practical support and scolding of Turkey.

The Editors’ Union (ΕΣΚ) is also called upon to take similar action since the freedom of the press is in danger of being silenced.

Finally, each one of us, the citizens, is called upon to join this effort.

For information and/or action, contact us at

99568088 or 99601221

Posted in By Cyclamen

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